
Magician Johnny Ace Palmer

Johnny Palmer was born in Warren, Ohio, in 1960 and attended Lakeview High School in Ohio until his graduation. Following high school, Palmer attended Kent State University in Ohio in the late 1970s and early ’80s. He came to magic early in life, and as a teenager, performed a stage act with his sister, Peggy. Palmer Read more…

MUST SEE Magician Takumi Takahashi’s Sleek Sleight Of Hand Magician | Asia’s Got Talent 2019

    Takumi Takahashi  “Takumi has surpassed me.” – Lennart Green, World Champion Close-up/Card magician This guy is an unbelievable talent. Really! You will swear that these are camera tricks! You might know Takumi Takahashi as a student of the legendary Lennart Green. However, Takumi has created his own unique style Read more…